Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Haters Gonna Hate.

                If there were a bowl full of names, out of all the attractive, talented, kind people in the world, I would hope that the piece of paper I would grab would have the name “Justin Bieber” written on it.  I directed so much hate towards him over the past couple years, for essentially no reason, when he truly deserves a lot of credit.  He’s as hard-working and determined as any other celebrity out there, which is such an inspiration, considering the fact he is only sixteen.  Also, coming from a low-income household with his single mom supporting him, he shows children around the world that anyone can be successful no matter what their origin.  Justin also has a very sweet nature, especially when he brings a random girl on stage to give them roses while serenading them with “One Less Lonely Girl”.  He also fulfills so many young girls’ dreams by going around and giving them free tickets to his concerts.  Unlike other child stars in Hollywood, Justin didn’t grow up with celebrity parents or connections to “the business”; he was a normal child whose talent for anything musical got him to where he is today.  Therefore, I wrote him a Valentine’s Day poem:

Dear Justin Drew Bieber (my future husband),

In Stratford you were born,
On the very first of March.
I sat eating my popcorn,
Filling my body with starch.

Your movie was the bomb;
I learnt to “Never Say Never”.
Your pixels touched my palm
And the music made me deafer.

Big, deep brown eyes,
A face as smooth as silk.
Like a baby in disguise,
Perhaps you’re only a bilk.

If you need somebody to love,
I’m not too much.
I’m no “Eenie Meenie” sent from above,
But I’m here for you to touch.

Just love me, miss me,
As we travel back down to Earth.
Just fool me, kiss me,
When we dock our love boat at the berth.

I promise that every time u smile,
I’ll flash my pearlies right back.
I’d call you way more than one time on your mobile
So we could meet and pose for our Kodak.

You won’t have to wish we had another time,
Or even another place.
Our dates together will be prime
As I paint portraits of your face.

So will you love this lonely girl too?
I ensure you I’ll be devoted.
My heart’s as sweet as honeydew
That is chocolate-dipped and sugar-coated.

My feelings for you are as strong as a wind turbine,
So Justin Bieber, won’t you be my Valentine?

* Of course I am completely joking.  This is just directed to all the haters out there who judge people before they know their true story.  Watch his movie, then decide if you like him or not.  I’ve learnt my lesson.

<3  I love you Nathan Ip !  <3


  1. HAHAH we both sent our love poems to Justin Bieber! Thats really funny. =D

  2. Guess we both have excellent taste, LOL ! : )
